Efficient, Functional and Effective.
Our taps are designed to cut quick, efficient threads in metal holes, allowing them to accommodate a bolt or screw.
The range is available as the following:
- Drill and Tap Kit: Contains an adaptor, drill bit and tap, for each hole size.
- Annular Cutter and Tap Kit: Contains an annular cutter and tap, for each hole size.
- Individual Taps: Ranging from 1/2″ UNC to 1″ UNC.
All of our taps are fitted with a 3/4″ Weldon shank, able to fit directly into a magnetic drill seamlessly.
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Tapping FAQ’s
How Does Tapping Work?
Tapping involves drilling with a specialized drill bit which creates internal threads or grooves within the hole. This can be done either by hand or with a tapping machine such as a power drill. The new thread created within the hole allow you to screw a bolt within.
What Drills Can I Use For Tapping?
Tapping can be performed with a variety of different drills with forward and reverse capabilities.
How Do I Tap Metal Safely?
Like any other drilling-based process, tapping requires careful operation of the equipment and attention to detail. For example, tapping on a stable surface with a properly secured work piece is essential for avoiding significant personal injury.
Why Won’t My Bolt Thread Into The Hole?
Firstly, check the hole for any debris or metal shavings left behind by the tapping process, clear these out, If this issue persists, take a square ruler to check that the tap has made a straight entry into the material.
Do I Need To Use Lubricant?
Whilst it is possible to tap without using lubricant or cutting fluid, it is generally advisable to do so. This is for the same reasons as other forms of drilling, namely to minimize the heat of the drill bit during a cut.